Have news for the next school newsletter?  Email your "ready to copy and paste" news to website.nashua@gmail.com.

Website:  nashuapta.my-pta.org

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/NashuaElementaryPTA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nashuapta 

President:  Danelle Bohan, pta.nashua@gmail.com

Vice President: Rachelle Walker, vp.nashua@gmail.com

Secretary: Megan Micek, secretary.nashua@gmail.com 

Treasurer:  Lindsay Bradshaw  treasurer.nashua@gmail.com 

PTA Meeting Join us at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 14, at the Nashua Elementary School library!

Open Positions:  Visit nashuapta.my-pta.org, click on Contact Us, and look for the yellow highlighting (job descriptions are included). If you are interested or have questions, please e-mail Danelle at pta.nashua@gmail.com. Thanks!

Labels:  You can support Nashua all year long by using these apps:

How to use the Box Tops App: https://youtu.be/ZfUGb_3JzZg